
Iron Dextran + Vitamin B12 Injection

Product Information

Iron Dextran + Vitamin B12 Injection is intended for the prevention or treatment of iron deficiency anemia in new born piglets and calves, and for pregnant and lactating animals. Within the first few days after a pig is born, it is common for iron deficiency anemia to occur. Iron is essential to produce adequate levels of haemoglobin in animals. This deficiency lowers the resistance of the pig and scours, pneumonia or other infections may develop and lead to death of the animal.

Vitamin B12 acts as co-enzymes in nucleic acid synthesis. Deficiency ofVitamin B12 can lead to development of megaloblastic anemia and demyelination and other neurological damage.

Iron Dextran + Vitamin B12 Injection is also indicated for adult animals such as pigs, horses, sheep, and oxen.

Product Packaging

This product is available in the following dosages:

  • Iron Dextran 5% + Vitamin B12 Injection
  • Iron Dextran 10% + Vitamin B12 Injection
  • Iron Dextran 20% + Vitamin B12 Injection

Iron Dextran + Vitamin B12 Injection is available in the following packaging:

  • 100ml vial / box;
  • 1 bottle / box;
  • or according to the customers specifications.


Vitamin, Antianemia

Active Ingredients

Iron Dextran, Vitamin B12

About Us

IMPERIA LIFESCIENCES PVT LTD (ILS) has been propelling steadily towards its goal (GOOD HEALTH, BETTER LIFE) since its launch on JANUARY 2012.

Our management personnel are experienced and skilled professionals with distinguished career records. Their clear vision of the Company's target and their dynamic leadership are shaping IMPERIA LIFESCIENCES PVT LTD into a company capable of coping with any and all future challenges.

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Office Address

Location 602/1, Signet - The Business Hub,
Near Earth Complex,
Akshar Chowk, O.P. Road,
Vadodara 390020
Gujarat, India.
Mobile Number +91- 7600469878
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